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RE: pronunciations

1) In re Partos, I'm not sure how to interpret--i.e., how to pronounce--what 
you've written here, Paul.  Does your suggested pronunciation accord with 
Ryna Kedar's?

2) It *is* Bughici, with a "g"; I copied it correctly from the liner notes, 
but then read my "g" without its tail when I e-mailed.

Many thanks --


>Robert Cohen [mailto:rlcm17 (at) hotmail(dot)com] wrote:
>1) the Israeli composer Oedoen Partos, whose name is sometimes rendered
>Oedeon Partos--aside from which is the correct spelling of his first name,
>how do you pronounce it?
>I'm not familiar with him, but I do know that is a Hungarian name 
>(equivalent to the German "Otto"), with short umlauts (as opposed to the 
>long umlauts in Hungarian), so pronounce it as "ödön," as it would be in 
>German. Incidentally, I have seen "ödön" anglicized to "Edmund."  I would 
>assume the last name is pronounced "partosh."
>2) the Moldavian klezmer Avram Buchici, referred to in the liner notes
>(track #18) of the Khevrisa "classical klezmer" CD so justly celebrated on
>this list--how do you pronounce his last name?
>I think the name is "Bughici"----in Romanian, an 'h' is added to a 'c' or 
>'g' before a front vowel (i, e) to make it "hard," so it's 'boo-geetch".
>The final 'i' isn't pronounced; it's there to indicate that the 'c' is 
>pronounced 'ch.'
>Paul Gifford
>---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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