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Maxwell Street Re-Release Announcement

We have re-released our 1992 recording (the album formerly known as Maxwell 
Street Wedding) as a self-produced album with the title Zisse Kinder Yorn/
Sweet Early Years.  

Featuring vocals by myself, Marcia Sterling and Alex Koffman, the album has a 
nice mix of traditional and original settings of klezmer and Yiddish songs.  
Track listing: S'iz Freylech Bei Yidn/Odessa Bulgar, Beit Mich a Bissele, 
Rumanian Rhapsody, Kinder Yorn, Kadril, Abi Gezunt, Russian-Jewish Wedding, 
Wissotsky's Tea, Tosca Po Rodine, Ocho Kandelikas, Baym Rebn in Palestina, 
Papirosn, L'Shmoa and Chassidic in America.

The boxes really bulk up here in the office, so we'd be happy to send them 
out to anyone on our e-mailing list for $15 with no shipping fee.  If you 
would like one, please send $15 to Sweet Years Account with your name and 
mailing address.  If you would like a review promo, please email me back with 
your mailing address. 

If you would like to wait, we should be able to have some selections from the 
album on the website sometime in August for your perusal.

Since this album never received wide circulation, I would be interested in 
any feedback that anyone who gets a copy might have for us.

Thanks for letting me take your time for a small promotion.

Lori Lippitz
Maxwell Street Klezmer Band

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