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Re: Two more queries (!)

The Karmon Israeli Dancers and Singers record is "Israel Sings." 
It may even still be available on CD, like many other gems from 
the Vanguard catalogue. 

The lyrics booklet, by Gil Aldema, describes it as "Lyrics: Ch. N. 
Bialik, to a folk song," and the record jacket says that the "melodies 
of the songs 'Harakefet' and 'Lo Bayom Velo Balayla' are Jewish folk 
[melodies] from Eastern Europe." (If I remember correctly, "Harakefet"
corresponds to "Margaritkelekh" in Yiddish.)

In "lo bayom v'lo balayla" a young woman asks an acacia (shita)
about her basherter. In the Yiddish version,  di verbe, she asks 
a willow. The Yiddish song appears in the Mloteks' "Pearls of 
Yiddish Song."  The translator into Yiddish is listed as "I. Ma 
Yofis" (sic) [pseudonym for ...?] and the words and music are 
listed as having been "published by Michel Gelbart in 1937-38."


On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 20:33:08 "Robert Cohen" <rlcm17 (at) hotmail(dot)com> 
> Seriously:
> 1) Does anyone know who wrote the music (if we know) to which 
> Bialik's "Lo 
> Bayom v'lo Balayla" is sung (e.g., on Karmon's old Vanguard LP; but 
> generally, I think); and
> 2) Does anyone have (access to; or can direct me to) Hebrew lyrics + 
> English 
> (real/linear) translation of Bialik's "Yesh Li Gan"?
> Todah rabah --
> Robert Cohen
> (who *does* deeply enjoy Sinatra and esteems the songwriters of our 
> generation--was that somehow unclear??)
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