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That was great, Lori (especially Glenn Gould)- Thanks!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lori Cahan-Simon" <l_cahan (at) staff(dot)chuh(dot)org>
To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2001 7:36 AM

> Okay, some of these guys are Jewish.
> "I write [music] as a sow piddles."
> -Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
> "My sole inspiration is a telephone call from a producer."
> -Cole Porter
> "Don't bother to look, I've composed all this already."
> -Gustav Mahler, to Bruno Walter, who had stopped to admire mountain
> scenery in rural Austria.
> "I would rather play 'Chiquita Banana' and have my swimming pool than
> play Bach and starve."
> -Xavier Cugat
> "[Musicians] talk of nothing but money and jobs. Give me businessmen
> every time. They really are interested in music and art."
> -Jean Sibelius, explaining why he rarely invited musicians to his home.
> "The amount of money one needs is terrifying ..."
> -Ludwig van Beethoven
> "Only become a musician if there is absolutely no other way you can make
> a living."
> -Kirke Mecham, on his life as a composer
> "I am not handsome, but when women hear me play, they come crawling to
> my
> feet."
> -Niccolo Paganini
> "Of course I'm ambitious. What's wrong with that? Otherwise you sleep
> all
> day."
> -Ringo Starr
> "Flint must be an extremely wealthy town: I see that each of you bought
> two or three seats."
> -Victor Borge, playing to a half-filled house in Flint, Mich.
> "If one hears bad music it is one's duty to drown it by one's
> conversation."
> -Oscar Wilde
> "Critics can't even make music by rubbing their back legs together."
> -Mel Brooks
> "Life can't be all bad when for 10 dollars you can buy all the Beethoven
> sonatas and listen to them for 10 years."
> -William F. Buckley Jr.
> "You can't possibly hear the last movement of Beethoven's Seventh and go
> slow."
> -Oscar Levant, explaining his way out of a speeding ticket.
> "Wagner's music is better than it sounds."
> -Mark Twain
> "I love Beethoven, especially the poems."
> -Ringo Starr
> "If a young man at the age of 23 can write a symphony like that, in five
> years he will be ready to commit murder."
> -Walter Damrosch on Aaron Copland
> "There are still so many beautiful things to be said in C major."
> -Sergei Prokofiev
> "I never use a score when conducting my orchestra. Does a lion tamer
> enter a cage with a book on how to tame a lion?"
> -Dimitri Mitropolous
> "God tells me how the music should sound, but you stand in the way."
> -Arturo Toscanini to a trumpet player
> "Already too loud!"
> -Bruno Walter at his first rehearsal with an American orchestra, on
> seeing the players reaching for their instruments.
> "I really don't know whether any place contains more pianists than
> Paris,
> or whether you can find more asses and virtuosos anywhere."
> -Frederic Chopin
> "When she started to play, Steinway himself came down personally and
> rubbed his name off the piano."
> -Bob Hope, on comedienne Phyllis Diller
> "Never look at the trombones, it only encourages them."
> -Richard Strauss
> "In opera, there is always too much singing."
> -Claude Debussy
> "Oh how wonderful, really wonderful, opera would be if there were no
> singers!"
> -Gioacchino Rossini
> "Movie music is noise. It's even more painful than my sciatica."
> -Sir Thomas Beecham
> "I think popular music in this country is one of the few things in the
> 20th century that have made giant strides in reverse."
> -Bing Crosby
> "Theirs [the Beatles'] is a happy, cocky, belligerently resourceless
> brand of harmonic primitivism... In the Liverpudlian repertoire, the
> indulged amateurishness of the musical material, though closely rivaled
> by the indifference of the performing style, is actually surpassed only
> by the ineptitude of the studio production method. 'Strawberry Fields'
> suggests a chance encounter at a mountain wedding between Claudio
> Monteverdi and a jug band."
> -Glenn Gould
> "It's pretty clear now that what looked like it might have been some
> kind
> of counterculture is, in reality, just the plain old chaos of
> undifferentiated weirdness."
> -Jerry Garcia

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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