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Re: New: Ladino- Klezmer-& Stories CDs

If you can only buy one CD in your life of Asia Minor Sephardic singing,
make sure it is the recordings of the great Victoria Hazan. If this is
the reissue I think it is, it has been on the back burner for a
kazillion years, and it is very exciting that it is finally out.
Victoria, who only just passed away a few years ago at a very advanced
age, is the real thing - beautiful old style ala Turca vocal style with
stunning gazels / amanedhes. I had the wonderful fortune to meet with
her on occasion over a period of more than twenty years, and she
continued to do beautiful vocal improvisations until shortly before her
death. For all those wanting to sing Ladino but who for some bizarre
reason feel compelled to turn it into pasteurized Western art song, BUY,


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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