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New: Ladino- Klezmer-& Stories CDs

                                        (not yet on our web site)

******New**Ladino*** **Klezmer*** and Stories of Jewish New York*******

We just received 3 wonderful new releases--offering something for everyone!!!

1) Victoria Hazan - "Todas Mis Esperansas -1940's Recordings of 
Judeo-Spanish,      Greek & Turkish Songs" - Victoria Hazan was born in 
Smyrna (now Izmir),Turkey in 1896. She arrived in New York in 1920. As a 
child in Turkey she had sung Turkish and Ladino songs and learned to play the 
oud.  She had many requests to record in the US, but refused until the 1940s 
and recorded in Ladino, Turkish and Greek. Her recordings became very popular 
in Sephardic communities throughout the world.
For more Ladino CD visit :

2) Abe Schwartz -"National Hora" Born in Rumaniain the 1880s, eimgrated to 
America during the early years of the 20th Century and became on the foremost 
orchestr leadrs of the Golden Age of Jewish Music. Schwarts led many 
Orchestrs and ensembles under various names such as , "Gus Golding & 
Co.","Russian Folk Orchestra", "Yiddisher Orchestra", and later as "Abe 
Schwartz Orchestra".  As a composer, his best known composition is the 
classic "Di Grine Kuzine".
for more Klezmer CDs:

3) Rosyln Bresnick-Perry - "New York Stories - Thriving and surviving in A 
Village Called New York" - (by the author)"As a story teller who has done a  
great deal of traveling across the country I have continually had the save 
question asked of me wherever I went, 'You're from New York aren't 
You?'.........for me however New York is a Jewish town and my stories of 
Thriving and Surviving..." are tales of Jewish life as lived by my friends, 
family and fellow New Yorkers. 

Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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