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Re: NYC Street Sounds

(The legendary) Tony Schwartz, originally an advertising man (I believe he 
conceived the daisy ad for LBJ vs. Goldwater) who conceived and produced a 
number of documentary words and/or music records for Folkways, issued at 
least one (I think called NEW YORK 19--that referred to the pre-zip postal 
code, as in "New York 19, New York") and maybe other records for Folkways of 
NYC street sounds, along with street music and maybe some spoken word.

--Robert Cohen

>I remember reading that Cage could walk down the streets of NY City, where
>he lived, and hear music in the jackhammers, police sirens and subway
>rumbles. Personally, I just get sensory overloaded by that type of stuff,
>and so I live in the country (This isn't meant as a dissing of NYC, I'm
>originally from there).

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