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Mikveh + concerts in Italy

Shalom everyone,
Just to say that I have received Mikveh and have found it wonderful (very
"Jewish-Yiddish" sounding if that fits in with the discussion over the past
few weeks of what Jewish music is or isn't).
Sometimes it's frustrating reading all the mails about concerts here, there
are everywhere in the States but, here in Milan and surroundings, we're
being spoiled in our own small way: last month there was a great concert by
Taraf de Haidouks and they are coming again with a whole bunch of gypsy
groups from India to Spain for a "Night with Gypsies" next week in a
beautiful 17th century villa and gardens about 3 minutes away from where I
live (just outside Milan) and, best news yet, the KLEZMATICS will be in the
very place where I live (called Garbagnate, but nothing to do with Garbage,
as an American friend of mine once asked me....) in two weeks. Are any of
the KLEZMATICS on this list? If any of you are, then I hope to say "hi" in
person when you're here in Garbagnate!
Happy 4th of July to all of you in the States!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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