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Re: Week-end in NY

Thanks to all who clued me to the Hasidic New Wave concert at Makor and 
Pharoah's Daughter at Tonic this past week-end.  Went to both and enjoyed 
them tremendously.  The addition of Senegalese drummers to Hasidic New Wave 
is really quite exciting and Pharoah's Daughter a pleasure.  I had an 
unexpected, amusing experience at Makor, when I discovered that the tall, 
red-haired bassist for the opening act, Golem, was my daughter's friend 
Taylor from high school. Talk about feeling old... Golem, by the way, was 
quite good.  Very nice to see the new generation of downtown pan-Slavic 
klezmer players in a solid good-time party band.  Several of the members 
have been nourished through the KlezKanada program, and they do the program 
proud.  The female singer/accordion player, Annette, is quite a pistol, but 
all the playing was good.  I'm embarassed to say that I don't recall the 
male singer's name, but he did the best version of Romania Romania (!!) 
I've heard in years.  Nothing like youthful energy and giving yourself up 
completely and unreservedly to an old chestnut to remind the audience why 
it got to be popular in the first place.  All in all exactly what I needed 
after a hard week.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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