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Re: Ten Most Important Living Figures in Jewish Music

Is Salim Halali still alive? He would be at the top of my list!

Let's see who else...
Henry Sapoznik (don't let it go to your head, Henry!) and Pete Sokolow.
Frank London. David Krakauer.
Chava Alberstein. Michael Alpert. Probably Uri Caine.
Likely Dudu Yasmin, Enrico Macias, Francoise Atlan, the Skeapings...

Zorn is interesting, too, but not consistent.

Just my $.02...


visit my meshugeneh web site-
(the music's the thing- if you don't want to give them your e-mail address,
give them a fake one.)

----- Original Message -----
From: "George Robinson" <GRComm (at) concentric(dot)net>
To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 4:54 PM
Subject: Ten Most Important Living Figures in Jewish Music

> Khaverim --
> Just killing time before leading services tonight at Beth Am and got to
> wondering who the very knowledgeable people on this list would consider
> the ten most important living figures in Jewish music. I haven't even
> given much thought to my own list, but it would probably include
> older-generation musicians like Sid Beckerman and Howie Leess and
> several list-members.
> No, I'm definitely not on the list. I was thinking of musicians,
> composers and the like, not critics (no offense Seth, but you and I
> don't belong on the list as I conceived it.)
> Anyway, something for you to ponder.
> Shabbat shalom,
> George Robinson

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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