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Re: Gettin' high on klezmer

Yakov, better examples of Getting High on Klezmer may be with the Klezmatics. 
Mizmor Shir Lehaned on Possessed. Wonderful word play by Michael Wex.
    Now this one doesn't deal with Drugs, but sex. The Flying Bulgar Klezmer 
Band's Tsirkus Album's Oy Vey Mameshe, also with lyrics by Michael Wex. 
    While I will agree with you that the lyrics by the New Orleans Klezmer 
All-Stars to Tradition are intresting it isn't the best cut of the album but 
then again it isn't the worst.  If you are going to check out one track on 
that album check out the Sabbath Prayer, by Uri Cane with Vocals by Lorin 

Matt Temkin - Mattflight (at) aol(dot)com
    Assistant Archivist; Klezmer Conservatory Foundation
    Jewish Music Percussionist

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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