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Re: cimbalom responses

In a message dated 6/12/01 8:24:15 AM, L_Cahan (at) staff(dot)chuh(dot)org 

<< Alex is an incredible player of many instruments who

has many wonderful credits, including being on Herbie Mann's latest album of

music inspired by his Eastern European roots.  >>

Wow, HM is still making recordings. Amazing. Grew up with him being my fav 
jazz flutist. This should be a great collaboration with Alex. Alex tends to 
show up at unexpected times in my life. Also came to Carnegie Hall to perform 
with the Cleveland Youth Orch, a fabulous group of kids. (?Had? to go hear 
them to be a surrogate parent for one of the kids performing.) I must say 
that the US is pretty lucky to have such talent in our tsimbl players, spread 
out all of over the place: Josh H is moving back in the fall to CA, Alex in 
Ohio, Zev in NY, Kurt in Chicago, Pete R. in Buffalo.  Man, we?re rich!  
(Sorry if I missed anyone!)


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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