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RE: cimbalom responses

In a message dated 6/12/01 6:23:47 AM, miriamgrunberger (at) yahoo(dot)com 

<< About Kurt, I found websites mentioning his music,
etc. but not any which specifically addressed his
skill in making instruments. Are there any that you or
anyone know of? >>

I have seen his instruments first hand and, as you did, fell in love with the 
sound. (I?m really a flutist/pianist but was really drawn to the tsimbl as my 
next challenge.) His instruments are beautiful to hear as well as look at. 
The only problem is getting one from him; he gets too busy to work on them. I 
had been casually promised one - even handed him a check for half - and it 
never came through as a reality, so I had to move on. I feel I got lucky with 
the one I ended up with. A Ukrainian flutist friend of mine - good 
friends/performs with Alex Fudoriouk - was able to bring a tsimbl back when 
he went home, an instrument made by his teacher. It?s a little too large for 
me to shlep but the sound is great and I just have to pick and choose very 
carefully when it?s worth it for me to take it along. It?s still considered 
?portable? but I don?t lift enough weights on the weekends... 
So bottom line, if you manage to connect with Kurt, try to pin him down as to 
the feasibility of an instrument being yours. If he says yes then you?re 
getting a great instrument and be happy!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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