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Re: classical/klezmer piece

Dear Adrianne,

In a message dated 6/9/01 7:12:51 AM, AGREENBA (at) aol(dot)com writes:

>I should know or remember this, but alas don?t:
>Does anyone know a flute piece, a concerto, that was possibly (but not
>at all 
>sure) written by a composer Shoenfeld or a name similar to that that?s
>classical flute concerto with klezmer elements? (Carol Wincenc, I believe,
>has performed it.) I could contact her, I suppose, but this seemed too
>to ask all of you!
I don't know the specific piece in question, but the composer is an old 
friend, Paul Schoenfeld. Paul used to live in the Twin Cities area, grew a 
beard, found God and moved to Israel (probably not quite in that order, and I 
'm being a little glib I'm afraid)--you would mistake him for a Rabbi in 
appearance. He is also an extraordinary composer and virtuoso pianist, and 
one of the most enjoyable people I know (his marvelous sense of humor comes 
through very clearly in his music). You might try contacting the American Co
mposers Forum or the American Music Center. I would bet that they would know 
how to contact him. Carol may have recorded the piece, so don't forget and 
Amazon search too.

Best wishes,

Steve Barnett
Barnett Music Productions
BarMusProd (at) aol(dot)com 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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