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Re: classical/klezmer piece

<<   The composer is my old friend Paul Schoenfield, who used to live in St. 
Paul, but now lives in Israel.  Having the first name and correct spelling of 
the last should help you find it on the Web.  If not, he was managed by a 
Cities agent at one time (and may still be).  I can put you in touch if the 
is no help.  It's recorded, as I recall, on a CD of works for flute and 

Paul, by the way, is a Chasid.  Balancing his career and his observance was, 
be sure, complex when I knew him.>>

Thank you all for the info. I now have where to purchase it and some 
background on Shoenfield himself! Now I can also find out about piano 
reduction and/or rental of parts should I be doing it with the symphony. It 
appears that a relative living in Cleveland has a publishing house or works 
there - something.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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