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Gelbart research

Dear listers,
I am beginning a project on Michel Gelbart, a tribute if you will, involving
both his life and work, which will hopefully lead to a program of word and
song as well as a CD. I would be most appreciative of help/ideas  in two
areas:  his life -where to get most detailed biographical information,
anecdotes, anything?  and, his music. YIVO's venerable Chana Moltek told me
she wrote an article about him in the Forverts (December 2000, I believe) -
can one access that in transliteration, or in English? (where?) Music: from
Lorin Sklamberg, I received recordings by Bina Landau ("Poetry In Song"),
and some by Naum Costner, Sidor Belarsky, Masha Benya, Joseph Malovany and
Sol Tisman. I am looking for more musical ideas, perhaps not recorded
before. I have already recorded "A Nign Vi Du", really beautiful, and will
include "Oyfn Nil", "Don Un Donye", "Dray Yingelekh", and "Der Eybiker Nign"
which I found at the Workmen's Circle (New York) on the floor of the shop
and it's great. Any hidden gems you know about?   Any help is greatly
appreciated.           Thanks,
Lenka Lichtenberg, the Prague Jew from Toronto?

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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