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Re: YIVO Acronym

actually, I believe YIVO's acronym is from transliteration of tsvey yudn, 
tsvey vov, alef... it stands for YIdisher Visinshaftlikher Institut [when you 
spell "institut" in Yiddish, it starts with alef, which can be pronounced 
'oh' as in komets alef], which means  -- literally -- the Jewish Scientific 
Institute (remember, Yiddish means Jewish in Yiddish).  Back in the 1920s, 
when they founded YIVO in Vilna, calling anything scientific gave it a 
dignified tone, and of course there were many social sciences being studied 

YIVO today translates its name into English as the YIVO Institute for Jewish 

Eve Sicular
former YIVO photo & film curator, East 86th St & West 57th St

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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