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Re: Lorele at the Vinkl

Just a reminder about my concert tonight.  Come and visit.

L_Cahan wrote:

> Hi all,
> For anyone planning to visit me at the Yiddish Vinkl concert at the
> Cleveland Workmen's Circle this Sunday, May 6th, for my performance of
> Yiddish Holiday songs from my forthcoming album, the time of the concert
> will be 7:30p.m.  Don't miss this opportunity to hear the fabulous
> Steven Greenman and Dr. Mel Arnoff wow you with their finesse and
> talents, and the chance to cry along with me to Avodim Hoyinu.
> Who:     Lorele (Lori Cahan-Simon), Steven Greenman, Dr. Mel Arnoff
> What:    Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me
> When:   Sunday, May 6th, 7:30 p.m.
> Where:  1980 South Green (north of Cedar), South Euclid, Ohio, (216)
> 381-4515
> Why:     Because I like to sing :-)
> Note the corrected phone number.  Sorry about that.
> I hope you'll all make your flight arrangements this instant.
> Mit frayndshaft un a shmeykhl,
> Lorele

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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