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OT "Women's Music" or "Womens' Music"?

Off-topic question for grammar nuts: 

Is it "Women's Music" or "Womens' Music"?  

I would think that since the word "women" is already plural, the apostrophe 
should be between the n and the s.  

I've worked for years on my grammar in Yiddish (and French for that matter), 
but since I attended public school in the '60s and '70s, I never did study 
grammar in English, so I'm not sure.  

Any English grammar mishagoyim out there?  

Write me privately if you feel that this is just too OT.  


PS.  My spell-check seems to indicate that I'm right about the "women's" 
spelling, for what *that's* worth.  ;-) 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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