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Re: OT "Women's Music" or "Womens' Music"?


Warschauer (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> Off-topic question for grammar nuts:
> Is it "Women's Music" or "Womens' Music"?
> I would think that since the word "women" is already plural, the apostrophe
> should be between the n and the s.
> I've worked for years on my grammar in Yiddish (and French for that matter),
> but since I attended public school in the '60s and '70s, I never did study
> grammar in English, so I'm not sure.
> Any English grammar mishagoyim out there?
> Write me privately if you feel that this is just too OT.
> Jeff
> PS.  My spell-check seems to indicate that I'm right about the "women's"
> spelling, for what *that's* worth.  ;-)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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