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(Jewish) musician refugees from Nazi Europe

Not that NPR hasn't been guilty of its share of such things as well, but
a recent Studio 360 radio program (WNYC and PRI) displayed some
"attitude" toward Jews and Jewishness that is
relevant and noteworthy on this list.

"Studio 360 is a co-production of Public Radio International and WNYC
New York, and is supported by the National Endowment for the Arts, The
Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, The David B. Gold Foundation, The
Naylor Dana Charitable Trust, the Isak and Rose Weinman Foundation, and
the Wallace-Reader's Digest Funds."

In the interests of accuracy and so that "the words can speak
for themselves," I am copying the descriptive text from the WNYC radio
web site.

The compliant is that the semantic content of "Jew" is absent.
This was an interesting program about Jewish musicians, refugees
from Nazi Germany, but the coverage was marred by the tonal color of
being descriptively "Judenrein."

The program was decribed as being about
"artists who were forced to flee their homelands and continue
to create here in the U.S., including composers who fled Europe
during World War II and found refuge in Hollywood during World War II."

Kurt Andersen and Congolese novelist Emmanuel Dongala look at
the lives and work of composers, writers, and musicians who left
their native homelands and sought refuge in the United States.

Exiled In Hollywood
In the 1930s and '40s, Hollywood became
a major destination for European
composers fleeing Nazi-occupied Europe,
and they made Tinseltown an important
musical center, not just for film scores,
but for contemporary classical music. Produced by Jeff Lunden.

(Pictured: Composer Franz Waxman)
Go to "Degenerate" Music website
Go to a biography of Erich Wolfgang Korngold
Go to the Arnold Schoenberg website
Go to a biography of Igor Stravinsky
Go to Franz Waxman's official website

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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