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Re: Cultural festival and Concert for Boston Workmen's Circle/Arbetering 100t...

Yasher Koyekh!  From Ellen Bates-Brackett, Director, Michigan Workmen's 
Circle/Arbeter Ring.  All of us here are excited for you - wish we could be 
there. It sounds so fantastic. Enjoy!  

EVERYBODY - PASS THE WORD!  The Arbeter Ring has a warm heymish community in 
Detroit too - Shule, lifelong learning, Bar/Bas Mitzvah program, starting new 
parent/preschooler program (Kinderblumen), Yiddish & Yiddish culture, 
holidays - all within our Veltlekhe Yiddishkayt, our special brand of Secular 
Jewishness - commitment to social and economic justice - good material 
benefits for members, like group health care plan, low-cost cemetery.  I'd 
love to talk with people!

Ellen Bates-Brackett
The Workmen's Circle/Arbeter Ring
26341 Coolidge
Oak Park, Michigan  48237

248-545-0985 phone
248-545-2628 fax

e-mail for now - ellenbb720 (at) aol(dot)com

Check out our national website - for other places and 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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