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Re: OFF (but i'm sure you'll read!): Sex w/ a jewish woman?

In a message dated 4/5/01 6:14:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time, MaxwellSt (at) 

> Oh, it certainly is NOT forbidden; however, considering that it is one of 
> the 
> ways that a marriage is legally formalized (others include statement of 
> "harey at..."), one wouldn't want to be too hasty about it.  In simple 
> terms, 
> you are not forbidden to do it--in fact, once you do, you're married, and 
> it's a mitzveh!  Anyone have a challenge to that?  (In case this is too 
> off-topic, let's say that the couple in question are MUSICIANS...;-) 

That is a little bit of an oversimplification of the law. If an unmarried 
couple has sex, they have not committed adultery, or what is considered  
"illicit sex." They have   nonetheless  violated a lesser offense. Also, if 
they in fact had sex, they would not be married unless two witnesses saw them 
being secluded to the point where they could have sex, and even then, it 
would not make them married unless they were doing it with that intent. In 
the event of an unmarried woman and man having sex, there are a bunch of 
things they are supposed to do afterwards to make it right. I don't recall 
offhand what they are, so I don't want to give any half baked answers. If you 
are curious, Email me, and I will try to look it up if I get a chance. 
One thing is certainly true. Torah Law has little use for celibacy, and an 
appreciation of the human imperative to procreate, and to have a good, 
satisfying sex life for both partners.


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