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Budowitz first US Tour

Budowitz Website:

Wanna hear something new?

Budowitz has been invited to play and give workshops at various festivals
and Universities on its first tour of the US, which is in large part
organized by Stuart Lipkovitz in New Mexico. We would like to extend the
tour and encourage suggestions as to where we can play. Our schedule at
present is included below. We thought of beginning in Northern California.
Still we are flexible as to where we will begin.

The dates we would like to book are from Sept 27-Oct 4.

I'm very enthusiastic about this tour, because it will not only give us a
chance to finally play for folks in the US, but to also bring the unique
knowledge and techniques of our musicians to interested people in the music
scene. All of us are experienced teachers and the breadth of styles we teach
cross many boundaries. And of course, as in any group, the energy of our
live performances far exceed that which we have canned on our CDs, so we
would like to bring that energy to America. We're planning rather quickly,
so please contact me if you are interested.

My email: horowitz (at) styria(dot)com

Check our website for further information about the group at:

A zisen Pesakh, Josh Horowitz

Budowitz tour schedule Fall 2001

Sept. 27 Fly into US.
Sept 28-Oct 4 West Coast tour in planning
Oct 5. UC Northridge California
Oct 6. San Diego
Oct 7 Santa Fe, Jazz and International Music Festival
Oct 8 The Outpost Performance Space, Albuquerque. Morning Kids' Show Evening
Oct 9 Residency at the Albuquerque Academy/Holocaust Project
Oct 10 Residency at the Albuquerque Academy
Oct 11 Dona Ana Arts Council, Las Cruces public concert, Symphony Hall
Oct 12 Morning children's presentations.
Oct 13 return home

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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