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Jewish Music Goes Hollywood (Gossip)

Hatikvah Goes Hollywood! by Siskel & Simon (OK, so I lied about Siskel)

Over the last 10 years we've supplied Jewish music for most of the feature 
films and TV shows that you might have seen. Though we might recommend a 
particular recording or artist , the final decision always goes to the 
producer.....sometimes with unusual, and comic, results.

Today we supplied various versions of "Kol Nidre" for a  cable movie starring 
Jonathan Silverman (who's father is a Rabbi). He wil be performing "Kol 
Nidre"  in the movie, "I Want To Be Bobby's  Girl". We are NOT supplying a 
Yiddish version of "..Bobby's Girl"..they are using the original Marcie 
Blaine hit of the 60's.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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