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Re: bas mitz project on dance


If Gerry Tenney doesn't know good dance resources in the Bay Area,
I'm not sure who would. He's one of the best klezmorim around, and
he's worked with everyone. His band, California Klezmer, was my absolute
favorite when I lived out there, and he provided the sound for many all-
day klezmerfest benefits I helped organize in the '80s.

Also in California Klezmer is a guy named Jim Rebhan, jrebhan (at) 
home(dot)com(dot) He and
Carol Ginsberg, gizmos (at) earthlink(dot)net are in a San Francisco band 
called Ellis
Island. Several years ago, they organized Jewish dancing at the Ashkenaz Club.
Contact one of them and see if they remember who taught it.

Also, through either the San Francisco or Berkeley Jewish community centers
contact folks running programs that reach older folks. Lots of them still
remember dances, and dancing!


At 07:44 PM 3/31/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>Dear Molly,
>I'd be happy to help you with your project.  Feel free to visit my web page.
>I have additional articles and information I can share with you.  Also, I
>celebrated my own adult bat mitzvah this year and wrote a dvar Torah about
>Jewish dance.  Can share this with you too.
>Helen Winkler
>winklerh (at) hotmail(dot)com
>Helen's Yiddish Dance Page
>Calgary Folkdance Fridays

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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