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Re: title confusion

> In a message dated 3/30/01 9:46:21 AM, Laouto (at) aol(dot)com writes:
> << I apologize to any and all who have suffered with the confusion of titles.

I think this kind of stuff happens quite often. It sure has happened a
number of times to me. Back in 1989 I recorded an album of my original
guitar compositions, Desert Winds, released in 1990 on CD and cassette.
Shortly after that, Ofra Haza (may her memory and music continue to be a
blessing), whose album 50 Gates of Wisdom I enjoyed quite a lot, released a
pop/dance album called Desert Wind.

A couple of years ago I saw another CD named Desert Winds, it's one of those
cheesy "environmental" recordings that you find discounted heavily at
K-Mart. My sales have been going steadily downhill ever since due to the
ensuing confusion :-)

Next example; in 1987 I recorded and released an album of original solo
acoustic guitar instrumental compositions entitled Circles, on the now
defunct Kicking Mule label. A few years ago, fellow instrumental guitarist
(and friend) Harvey Reid released an album of his original guitar music
entitled, you guessed it, Circles.

I guess people who come up with really offensively named albums don't have
this same problem of other artists using their titles. (or do they?)


Seth Austen
emails: seth (at) sethausten(dot)com
klezmusic (at) earthlink(dot)net

"Composition's not the big deal they make it at colleges. They paralyze
people with rules. I just sit down, write out an idea, and work on it."

Anthony Braxton

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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