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Re: Family Portraits: Bavashn zikh mit trern

In a message dated 3/30/01 9:46:21 AM, Laouto (at) aol(dot)com writes:

<< I apologize to any and all who have suffered with the confusion of titles. 
meant no harm to members of The Klezical Tradition and did not intend to 
"steal" a title. The title of my cd is actually "Family Portraits: Bavashn 
zikh mit trern" and is based on the cover photograph for cd which is of my 
grandfather's family. I intended this as both a gift to my family and 
to anyone interested in my music. I know some members of The Klezical 
Tradition and beg their forgiveness for any wrong they may have suffered. 
Alan Zemel>>

Well, truthfully, how could any Jew not have a family album, something which 
symbolically documents personal as well as global histories. Klezical 
Tradition?s cover is of Cookie?s father as a young child with his family - a 
gift to him, his family - chosen to represent (for those who knew) survival. 
All of our family photos, yours and ours, represent struggles, losses, 
survival of all Jews and our music. 

Sure, to be honest, our album has received much attention and appreciation 
based on our title, cover, and booklet pictures and it would have been nice 
to be the only ones with this concept, but again, we can?t ?own? our 
portrayals of history as unique and I?m sure that neither one of us will 
actually be ?hurt? by another ?Portrait? in music. 
Thanks for writing, Alan.
Adrianne Greenbaum, Klezical Tradition

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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