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NYC 3/25 radio - Nashi Traditsii preview

New Yorkers may be interested in the following radio broadcast:

A preview of
the NASHI TRADITSII "Our Traditions" -
Music for the Jewish Wedding  Festival

Sunday morning (today) 10am
the Forward Hour
Hosted by Itzik Gottesman
1050 WEVD radio

The broadcast will include music performed by Bessarabian clarinetist
German Goldenshteyn, badkhn extraordinaire Toyvye Birnbaum, Avrum
Itskhok Moskowitz (he's a wonderful singer!), Ensemble Tereza (Mountain
Jewish Music of Azerbaijan) and Ensemble Shasmaqam (Bukharan Jewish

Don't forget, the festival itself is next Sunday, April 1st.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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