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concert times, Judith & Tamar

Hi, I posted the wrong time for the Boston Sunday concert, so here is
all our U.S: concert information for March, April and May while I'm at

March 21-25, Albuquerque, NM:
March 21: Judith lectures (with some music) on Women in the Three
Cultures of Medieval Spain, and Musical Transmission,  7pm
March 22: Judith on "Border music - Spain and Portugal, Crypto-Jewish
regions", 3 pm
(both at the Medieval Hispanic Colloquium, University of New Mexico,
information at 505-277-7448,or 505-277-2252.)

March 25, Albuquerque, concert of Sephardic and related music at the
National Hispanic Culture Center, 4 pm, Info 505-246-2261 .

March 28, Wesleyan, Middletown Conn., Sephardic and related music
(Judith but not Tamar for this one only), 4:15 pm World Music Hall

March 31, Boston College, Bapst Library 2nd Floor, 7 pm. Sephardic and
related music concert (free, open to the public)

April 1st, Harvard Hillel ,Cambridge, 12:30 pm (not 1:00; that was the
52 Mt Auburn,Smith Room, Harvard Hillel. Call (617) 547-7727 by March 28
to make reservations for the pre-concert bagel brunch ($8.00) at 11:15

May 1st, Center for Judaic Studies conferences, U. Penn, Philadelphia
(but mostly closed escept for conference attendees, sorry)

May 5th, lecture with some music (just Judith again), Kalamazoo medieval
congress (in case you happen to be there), Problems and Solutions
Performing the 13th Century Cantigas of Alphonso X "The Learned King"
(there were Jewish musicians at his court too);

May 7th, Toronto, concert of Sephardic music for Orientalists Conference
(sorry, mostly closed but maybe some spaces)

And in Spain: Balkan dance and song and Sephardic song workshop (Judith
only), April 28-29, Madrid;

July 1, Segovia Folk Festival;
July 28, Sefarad Conference concert, Tarazona (Aragón)

That's it! Cheers, Judith

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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