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finally, Mikveh....

this just in from Rounder Records, promising the long-awaited debut
recording of female superstar klezmer ensemble Mikveh in just two short

Lauren Brody, Margot Leverett, Nicki Parrott, Adrienne Cooper, Alicia
Traditional Crossroads TCRO 807 024 305-2
Street Date: May 22, 2001
Five of the top musicians on the international klezmer scene have joined
forces to create music that engages the experience and spirit of Jewish
women.  Combining historical and new Yiddish and English songs with ecstatic
klezmer melodies, Mikveh presents Jewish music through the prism of women's
lives -- from exuberant celebrations of fertility, work, a daughter's bas
mitsveh, and forbidden love, to the quiet grief of miscarriage and the
spirit of the Friday night table.
Produced by Lorin Sklamberg & Harold Hagopian.
Includes: "Royz royz," "Heart of the World," "Sorele's Bas Mitsveh," "A gutn
ovnt Brayne," "Borsht," "Gas nign," "Vos vet zayn," "Di fayerdike libe/Ay ay
ay mazl tov," "Yosemame/Orphan Mama," "Eyshes khayil," "Mazl tov," "Leyg
dayn kop," "Di arbuzn," "Baleboste zisinke"
Available on CD. UPC number 7-80702-4305-2-6
File Under: World: Jewish/Klezmer

Seth Rogovoy
author of "The Essential Klezmer: A Music Lover's Guide to Jewish Roots and
"even the most clueless goy will be able to appreciate this art form" --
Linda Daily Paulson, Dirty Linen Magazine

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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