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Re: Cataloguing Jewish music

> Are you referring to "relational" databases, as opposed to "rational"?

I'm sure Matt does mean relational.  I'm a relational database designer
and programmer by profession, and thought its the best model to use,
the differences between business needs (even for commerical music)
and the various Jewish musics - liturgical, cantorial, hasidic, klezmer,
yiddish song etc, present some real tough challanges and point up
some weaknesses in the relational idea that just don't come up in more
mainstream applications.

Everytime I approach the project of cataloging my hasidic records - not that
it's a huge collection - I despair, and decide to just keep looking
and listening and keep it in my head.  Its not as deterministic, but 
sometimes it makes some marvelous associations!

roger reid

listening to Uri Shevach Sings with Kol Salonika Vol 2

(and if anyone knows anything abour Uri Shevac or Kol Salonika, I'm interested
in learning).

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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