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A little jewel

Well, I finally pulled my office apart in order to reorganize, one goal being 
to pull the 78 collection and turntable off the back wall where it languished 
inaccessibly.  While repacking the CDs onto the new shelves, of course, I had 
to sample them as I went, and there are a vast number that I bought but never 
heard, what with real life interefering and all.  

I put on a disc with Zhankoye on one side, sung by "The Berries and Pete 
Seeger with his 5-string Banjo" on the Charter Label.  On the other side, 
mein Shtetle Belz.  What a lovely recording!  The Barry Sisters' voices 
(unburdened by schmaltzedic orchestrations) are just enchanting.  And, with 
the banjo, they sound like a little Russian choir, complete with yelps.  Does 
anyone know anything more about this recording, or the Bagelman Sisters/Barry 
Sisters/Berries and their involvement with the Great Folk Scare of the 60's?  


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