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Re: Traditional klezmer dance -- where?

<< Just wondering, is the Philadelphia Sher as taught at KlezKamp, very

different from other versions of the sher? >>

Unfortunately I can only speak ?second-handidly? since I was nursing a 
swollen knee and couldn?t go to any dance classes this year. My roomate went 
and told me that it seemed that there was much discussion amongst those 
present who knew many versions of the sher - Philly and otherwise - coming to 
the conclusion that the sher simply had a territoriality about it and 
therefore had many variations that were danced depending on where you were. 
It was taught, basically, as beginning with the 16 steps around, 16 back the 
other way, exchanging sides within the square, then, frankly, I don?t 
remember specifically what my friend told me other than the first male then 
dancing with his partner in some fashion, going back to the 16 steps, the 
next corner doing the same, etc.  so this is probably of little or no help! I 
felt totally bummed that I couldn?t participate this year, let alone even 
watch. I was promised that I would eventually be taught what was taught but 
haven?t gotten around to specifically taking care of that yet! 


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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