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I would like to invite any of you in the Cleveland area to come to Beth
El at the Mayfield JCC this evening for our Purim celebration.  We will
be performing a purimshpil that I wrote, directed and am playing in,
based on the hilarious story "Meshka the Kvetch".  It will be repeated
on Sunday's Purim party, with a cast of children, at the Cleveland
Workmen's Circle, where I teach Sunday school.

Upcoming concerts are:

April 1st - Yiddish Vinkl at 8pm at the Workmen's Circle auditorium,
where I will be presenting material from my upcoming all-Yiddish,
all-Peysakh album, called "Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me, Volume
1: Passsover".

May 1st - Park Synagogue, Fundraiser for the Sisterhood Torah Fund
Concert to benefit the JTS in NYC.

Hope to see you,

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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