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Re: Traditional klezmer dance -- where?

In a message dated 3/6/01 9:37:18 PM, kchodosh (at) 
suffolk(dot)lib(dot)ny(dot)us writes:

<< Speaking of which, where was the traditional dancing at KlezKamp? I was 
expecting all kinds of traditional stuff to go on there, but it was just wild 
jumping around. Jumping around is nice, but I really wanted to learn and see 
some of the old stuff -- and it seemed like no one was doing it! >>

There was indeed traditional dancing taught at KlezKamp  - and has been every 
year that I?ve been going as either a student or on faculty. This past 
KlezKamp in Philly there was emphasis placed on the Philadelphia Sher, with 
even some healthy ?arguing? between Steve W. and Michael A.. In general, in 
the classes students stick to the program by keeping their bodies from 
?bouncing around? as you put it. Then, at night, when it?s more of a 
free-for-all, there are those who insist on jumping up and down, as you say. 
Mostly young students like to break from ?tradition? by, as M.A. puts it, 
going to Israeli Dance Camp. 

There are a few who of us who have our own bands that always take the dance 
classes in order to provide quality traditional Eastern European dances at 
simkhes. It?s quite easy to convince clients to encourage dancing of this 
nature because of the cohesive simplicity in comparison to the more 
complicated Israeli dances - and so, yes, the traditional dances are indeed 
being danced outside of festivals. 
(Klezical Tradition)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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