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Re: Schindler's List and Jerusalem of Gold

Hi, Ari,

these are not nits! Millions of dollars and the creative talents of
hundreds of actors/actresses, set designers, lighting technicians,
special effects folks, editors, continuity people, (and all of the
rest), are spent to create a credible world within which the story
unfolds. Even one egregious flaw jolts the viewer back into the theatre
or living room, seriously weakening the great story-telling power of the

in the context of the whole work, these points are small, but not
irrelevant. Musically, clunkers are pretty minor (smile); a work 5
minutes in length may have thousands of notes played, but, as we know,
one or two mistakes seem glaring and memorable... In a film, content
issues such as you've raised are crucial (and avoidable) parts of what
makes a film work.

take care,

citizen kafka


Ari Davidow wrote:

"...Indeed, Spielberg seemed unaware at the time of the movie that there
was a difference between modern Israeli music, and what might have been
appropriate to the time and place of the movie--or how out of place it
might feel..."

" I especially don't want to be in the position of picking at


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Citizen Kafka, Producer, "The Secret Museum of the Air"
every Tuesday 6 to 7 PM EST WFMU 91.1 FM then go to 'listen to wfmu'

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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