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Eli Eli ?

In a message dated 3/2/1 8:06:32 AM, Elkahn (at) JTSA(dot)EDU writes:

The Senesh poem is entirely in Hebrew, the first lines beginning: "Eli, Eli, 
shelo yigameir l'olam...."

In Israel, the Senesh song is titled "Halicha Lekesarya".

During the production of"Schindler's List", I was contacted by Amblin 
Productions for music that might be the basis for a soundtrack for the film.
When the movie came out, I was shocked that "Jerusalem of Gold" had been used 
in the film. That song has a very specific meaning in the Israeli experience 
and I felt it was totally out of place.

A few weeks later, someone from Amblin came into the store and I told her 
that I felt that "Jerusalem of Gold" was the wrong song to use and asked why 
they had chosen it.

She told me that, after the film had been released, they had been told by 
many people that the song was out of place, and the reason they used it is 
that Steven Speilberg liked it. However,for the European and Israeli version 
of the film, "Jerusalem of gold" was replaced with "Halicha Lekeisarya 

Hatikvah Music

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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