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Re: Emil Horowitz

Perhaps this is the transliterated/reconstituted name of Emil Gorovets, a 
Soviet Jewish singer who later emigrated to this country (Russian has no 
letter "h," so usually "g" is substituted for proper names beginning with h 
in their own languague of origin - Geller for Heller, etc.)   I am sure 
others can say much more about him.  I know that he made a beautiful LP with 
Zalman Mlotek called IKH BIN A YID! [I AM A JEW!], issued by Workmen's Circle 
in the 1970s, dedicated to the martyred Soviet Jewish poets who were killed 
in 1952, with gorgeous, sensitive arrangements of a wide variety of poems set 
to music.  Most of the music is by Gorovets, arranged by Zalmen, with a few 
melodies by I believe other Soviet Jews.  Emil Gorovets also at some point in 
the mid-1990s had a job at YIVO (86th St) after his wife had died.  He came 
here from Moscow.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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