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Re: [Fwd: Judy Garland & Eli, Eli (Kahn)]

> The song she most likely sang for Mayer was Eli Eli, originally written for
> the Yiddish theatre. Except for its opening line: Eli Eli loma asavtoni
> (from Ps.22 as well as the Gospel of St. Matthew), the remainder of the song
> is a Yiddish plaint to God from the suffering Jew: " ... In feier in flam
> hot men uns gebrent ..." According to Irene Heskes, the song was extremely
> popular, sung years later by Yossele Rosenblatt on his vaudeville tours,
> And by Perry Como on a 78 in the 50's.
> Leonard

And Johnny Mathis after that.



---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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