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[Fwd: Judy Garland & Eli, Eli (Kahn)]

This posting is from the H-Judaic list. I pass it along for the wiser
heads on this list to offer an answer.


"Faydra L. Shapiro" wrote:

> From: Yoel Kahn <ykahn (at) gtu(dot)edu>
> Subject: Judy Garland & Eli, Eli
> On the recent TV movie about Judy Garland=92s life, the young Judy audition=
> s
> for Louis B. Meyer.  At the end of the audition, he says to her sing
> something from opera and she offers =93Eli, Eli.=94  She then sings (in Heb=
> rew)
> the familiar song, using the words of Hannah Senesh.  In so far as the
> Senesh poem, by all accounts, was not written until the 40=92s, this appear=
> s
> to be an anachronism.  Someone suggested to me that there is an Eli, Eli
> (different words ) which was performed by Jan Peerce and would have
> plausibly been in young Judy=92s repetoire.  I am assuming that contemporar=
> y
> Hollywood writers are alums of modern No. American Jewish summer camp
> culture and only know about the Senesh poem version, and so unwittingly
> created this anachronistic scene. Does this make sense to those who know
> more about this than I?
> Yoel H. Kahn, Ph.D.
> Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California
> ------=_NextPart_000_000C_01C0A259.7496C1C0--

George Robinson
Author, Essential Judaism
Please visit my website, "Essential Judaism and Beyond"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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