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Whats in a nomen...

Yet again, I bring up my sainted Irish great grandfather: James Nathan 
Bornstein. All his adoptive parents ever knew was that his first name was 
James. -He was left on their doorstep. He looked like Conan O'Brien and sang 
nigun like an angel.
   As Willie the Shake said: what's in a name?
   My sister had a good friend at YMHA, names Patty Smith. Seems her 
grandfather got off the boat at Ellis Island and said that his name was 
Tuvoshofsky or the like and the intake person said: Smith. I believe 
Mr."Smith" was a shoiket..his customers had a great time with that!
    Love and Knishes,
      Trudi the G

>From: George Robinson <GRComm (at) concentric(dot)net>
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: robert, nfld, mail
>Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 06:10:07 -0500
>Hey, my shul has a Brennan, a McDowell and a Flanagan. In the past we've
>had a Vitale and a Curry. Come to that, our student rabbi's name is
>Malino (yeah, it's Sephardic but it could also be just plain Italian,
>George Richard Robinson (Now THERE'S a really authentic Jewish name!)
>Judith R Cohen wrote:
> >
> > Hi, for RObert Cohen, I replied off-list but instead of you not being
> > able to send messages to my mail address as you said, it came through
> > fine but I couldn't send to yours! The synagogue in question, with the
> > tiny minyan of Ashkenazim and one Moroccan, and the COhens and McGraths,
> > and mixed liturgy [music-related part of message], and teen-aged
> > daughter etcetc, is in St John's, Newfoundland (Nfld). The
> > discombolulating alignment of surnames with religious affiliations is
> > the result of conversions. Cheers, Judith
> >
>George Robinson
>Author, Essential Judaism
>Please visit my website, "Essential Judaism and Beyond"

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