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Re: Thanks Judy for your support

In a message dated 2/28/01 10:44:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, OrPnimi (at) 

> To respond to a recent post. I think the the name of  the orthodox Harpist 
> for the Orthodox Band Tofa'ah is Sunita Stanislow or something close to 
> that. 
> For those of you who are either interested or curious, the artists who were 
> most gracious to participate in my CD are Susan Kates from Rannanna Israel, 
> Ashira, from Israel, Shari Sofair from Monsey NY, Tofa'ah Band from 
> Jerusalem 

Tofa'ah? Is that the same Tofa'ah from about 20 years ago? I was one of the 
people who helped them shlep their equipment for one of their first shows! 
(We were neighborhood friends) Man, that was so long ago, I can't even 
remember the names of the women in the band. But I do remember the smell of 
the Jerusalem streets in Kiryat Moshe....fade here to romanticized memory of 
Jerusalem in 1982, to an 18 year old kid........ 

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