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South African teacher looking for Jewish Music Contacts

Hi there, I'm new to the list

I am the Music Coordinator of the 5 Herzlia Schools in Cape Town. I am not
jewish, but I love Jewish music, and have learnt a lot about it. I do all
the chaggim in Cape Town South Africa with our various choirs and performing
groups,and, this being a Jewish Day School, I have to do a lot of it. My
role was initially to build a muisc depratment from scratch, which is hard
enough, but I have extended quite radically into the Hebrew department and I
do Hebrew singing classes along with middle of the road Judaica lessons
revolving around music. I have Jewish and non-Jewish Colleagues in one
depazrtment, and the musical experince is variable. 

I would like to chat to people, on the list or privately, about Jewish Music
education. Who's doing what out there? How do you link up Judaic and Music
Curricula, when do you rehearse? Who runs your programmes, Judaica depts or
music depts? Where can I get sheetmusic of popular Hebrew music suitable for
all ages from Pre-school to teenagers? Where do I I get "Parody-songs" alla
Schlockrock for things like the Seder? 

Also, I am coming to New York last two weeks of June, and I am looking for
some kind of course, summer school, or private lessons to do while there,
any ideas? This is the hub of Jewish music, and i have been emailing lots of
people, but there is just so much to wade through, that on top of my job,
I've hardly had any time.

I am a pianist and choirs and musicology are my other strengths, I would
appreciate contact with anyone that can help me speed things up here, or
might be in the same situation


Albert Combrink

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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