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Free Klezmer concert with Sapoznik

I don't remember seeing this on the jewish-music list, so I'll
take the liberty of crossposting.

Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 09:59:52 -0500
From: "Richard Koral" <rkoral (at) NYCTC(dot)CUNY(dot)EDU>
To: <Jewish-announce (at) shamash(dot)org>
Subject: Free Klezmer concert with Sapoznik

TheJewish Faculty & Staff Association at New York City Technical College
in Brooklyn annoucnes

Klezmer Musicfest Concert at  CITY TECH - March 22, 2001 at  1  P.M.

A Klezmer Concert featuring Henry Sapoznik and ensemble, sponsored by the =
college's Jewish Faculty and Staff Association (JFSA), will be presented =
at 1 p.m., Thursday, March 22, at City Tech's Klitgord Center Auditorium, =
285 Jay Street.=20

The concert will include a talk and book signing by Mr. Sapoznik, well =
known klezmer music authority, performer, musicologist, Jewish folk music =
scholar and author. He has produced scores of recordings and documentaries.=
  He spearheaded the revival of interest in klezmer music in the 1970s.=20

Mr. Sapoznik is one of the leading authorities and practitioners of =
klezmer. He is a major figure in the klezmer world. Last August, his book =
on klezmer received a good review in the New York Times. Mr. Sapoznik =
attended (then) NYC Community College. One of his instructors, Dr. Jesse =
McCarroll, recently retired, has kept in touch with him over the years. =
Sapoznik subsequently obtained a CUNY B.A. at Hunter College.

Free admission. Further information - Albert Sherman, 718-260-5837.

Henry Sapoznik is a Grammy nominated record producer, composer, author and =
 performer of traditional Yiddish and American music. A pioneering scholar =
and performer of klezmer music, Henry Sapoznik founded the Archives of =
Recorded Sound at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research and was its first =
Director from 1982-1994. Spearheading the renewal of interest in klezmer =
music with his pioneering group "Kapelye," Mr. Sapoznik is co-founder and =
Executive Director of "Living Traditions" sponsors of the internationally =
acclaimed Yiddish cultural event "KlezKamp: The Yiddish-Folk Arts =
Program". He designed the score for the Aviva Kempner documentary film =
"The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg" and for the new off-Broadway show =
"An American Family" for the Folksbeine Theater. His recent book "Klezmer! =
Jewish Music from Old World to Our World" (Schirmer Books) has just been =
named winner of the ASCAP 2000 Deems Taylor Award for Excellence in Music =

In Spring 2001 a series about Yiddish radio, co-produced by Mr. Sapoznik =
and David Isay (recently named a MacArthur Foundation Fellow), will air on =
National Public Radio.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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