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Concert Info - Klezmerpalooza 2001

Hi everyone, I'm the clarinetist from the Klez Dispensers, and we're
hosting the third annual Klezmerpalooza festival and concert in
Princeton, NJ. The concert begins at 3 PM on Sunday, Feb. 25,  and
tickets are $10 for non-Princeton University students. You can read more
about the festival (directions, bands participating, etc.) here:

And read up on the Klez Dispensers and their latest (read: first) CD,
"Indispensable: From Old Warsaw to Old Nassau" by visiting:

Thanks, and take care!



Alex V. Kontorovich '02
Princeton University

Title: Concert Info - Klezmerpalooza 2001

The Klezmerpalooza 2001 Concert

An exhilarating, memorable show of Klezmer dance music and Yiddish songs by Klezmerpalooza 2001 participants, including the Yale Klezmer Band, The Brown University Yarmulkazi, and the Princeton University Klez Dispensers. The concert will kick off with a special performance by the klezmer legend pianist Pete Sokolow.




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