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Fwd: Re: Ashkenaz Festival info

Several people have asked about the Ashkenaz Festival, which has definitely 
been deferred and will not take place this coming summer in Toronto. I just got 
this e-mail, and thought that list members might be interested. Based on the 
spelling of David Buchbinder's name and the tagline at the bottom of the 
message, it is probably fair to say that they are not quite ready to start 
planning the new festival:

>Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001
>From: Ashkenaz Foundation <ashkenaz (at) mail(dot)echo-on(dot)net>
>Subject: Re: Ashkenaz Festival info
>Dear Ari:
>Just picked up your e-mail and am confirming that the date of the festival
>is now scheduled to take place in 2002. Negotiations with Harborfront are
>currently in progress after which a date can be established. If you have
>any information or samples of work about your group, please feel free to
>send a sample at your convenience to:
>The Ashkenaz Foundation
>c/o Mr. David Buichbinder, Artistic Director
>642 King Street W., #100
>Toronto, ON
>M5V 1M7
>or contact us at: (416) 703-6894.
>Ashkenaz Foundation
>phone (416) 703-6892  fax (416) 703-5489
> ashkenaz (at) echo-on(dot)net
>Ashkenaz: A Festival of New Yiddish Culture, August 27 - September 3, 2001

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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