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Aderet and others: getting recordings

There are quite a few places that have websites to obtain recordings online.
Not only the big stores are out there, there are smaller operations and
some of them have interesting catalogs.

You can see these listings on my website, ( ) strangely
enough labeled "Obtaining Recordings" under the "Getting to the Music"

In addition, I've _started_, just started,... adding a listing called the
"Brick and Mortar Directory". This is for actual stores that carry Jewish
music recordings. I'm happy to take names, addresses, and phone numbers for
a store near you. (not all the states have listings yet, so if you know of
one, feel free to send it in if you've shopped there.) I've got quite a few
more I haven't put up yet, but they'll be listed soon. So if you have a
place you think should be listed, email me off list at pinnolis (at) 


Judith S. Pinnolis
Reference Librarian
Coordinator for Publications and Training
Brandeis University Libraries
Goldfarb Library MS045
P.O Box 549110 
Waltham, MA 02454-9110
fax: 781-736-4719
email: pinnolis (at) brandeis(dot)edu

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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