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Chava Alberstein, Jan 13, Sanders Theatre

Just a reminder that Chava Alberstein will be appearing at the Sanders Theatre,
here in Cambridge, MA, at 8pm on Saturday, January 13.

Although hailed as "the first lady of Israeli song", Alberstein is that rare
and wonderful performer, like Argentina's Mercedes Sosa or America's Barbra
Streisand, who transcends genre or locale. Her repertoire includes modern
Israeli folk and pop songs, as well as Yiddish songs, and songs from around the
world. Her stunning release two years ago of "The Well," a collaboration with
Klezmer fusion band, "The Klezmatics" showcased her commitment both to Yiddish,
and to bringing living, recent Yiddish poetry to song, to life. In many ways,
that was a continuation of her reworking of the Jewish Passover song, "Chad
Gadya", changing it to a song protesting the cycle of violence in the Middle
East, and to a song of hope for peace, and of decades of songwriting and
songperforming in Israel and around the world.

As a live performer, Ms. Alberstein is awesome, and she has been performing to
rave reviews around the country.

For further information, contact:

720 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: (617) 876-4275
Fax: 617-876-9170
Email: info (at) worldmusic(dot)org

Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
the klezmer shack:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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