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Credit where credit is due

Khaverim --

Okay, this may seem a little like nitpicking to many listmembers, but I
bet Seth and Gideon agree with me on this little kvetch.

Just came from a couple of websites of bands/musicians whose work I have
praised in the pages of Jewish Week and elsewhere. I was pleased to see
my reviews quoted in their press materials, but a bit dismayed to see
them attributed to "Jewish Week." Hey, people, that's not how I spell my

All joking aside, music critics work hard at their jobs, just like
musicians. We try to credit those people whose music gives us pleasure,
and we try to single out for praise individuals as well as bands when
their work strikes us. I think that we are entitled to the same
courtesy. Obviously when you are citing an unsigned review, you have to
credit the publication/website/whatever, but I think it's not too much
to ask that you mention the name of the reviewer who praised your work
with at least the same prominence as the publication in which the review
appeared. Believe me, we get paid little enough as it is without also
being denied a tiny sliver of ego-gratification.

This has become an even bigger annoyance to me as a book critic, by the
way, and I can assure you that when the next
edition/advertisement/paperback of Essential Judaism comes out, I'm
going to make damned sure the reviewers' names appear with the blurbs
quoting them. 

Okay, had to get that off my chest.

George (Thinking of Changing My Name to Manchester Guardian) Robinson

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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